Trunk Show Schedule Now Available

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Want to be a Lauren K Authorized Retailer?

Become an authorized retailer for Lauren K Fine JewelryIf you think the Lauren K Collection could be the right fit for your store, we'd love to hear from you. With retail price points averaging $3,000 - $8,000, the collection is a wonderful array of styles that flow seamlessly from day to evening. We pride ourselves on the wearability of the collection. Our quality is impeccable and our colors are fun and beautiful.

We thrive in fine jewelry and high-end fashion/clothing boutiques with a savvy sales team. We are looking to expand our distribution and are currently seeking retail stores who would truly love to partner with us. We offer exclusivity in most areas, trunk shows, stock balancing, access to a wide array of art-ready advertising images, and high res pictures for catalogs and social media. As a bonus, we are nice people who are easy to work with. We are quick to respond to inquiries and special order requests. We are looking for fashion forward clients who value a luxurious artisan product that is made in the USA.

The Lauren K team is a family. Our clients are friends. We hope to bring you into our circle.

If you're interested please call Leah Jover at (917) 217-6460.